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Balboa 58203 Replacement Heater & Sensors Hydro-Quip 26-58203-K 15" 4kW 230v for VS100
Balboa 58203 Replacement Heater & Sensors Hydro-Quip 26-58203-k 10" 4.0kw 240V for VS100 control.
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Price: $199.00
Sale Price: $129.00

Availability:: In Stock
Product Code: 58203

Balboa 58203 Replacement Heater & Sensors Hydro-Quip 26-58203-k 10" 4.0kw 240V for VS100 control.

New, complete with gaskets, and a pair of 1-1/2" pvc plumbing couplings. Includes 2 temp sensors and power cord. Dual sensor M-7 technology.

Always prevent a new heater or heater element from coming on (turn down the temp setting) until you have run the pump on high several minutes to get all the air out of the piping, BEFORE you even turn up the heat. This prevents 'dry-fire' which will damage any heater. Follow this whenever you drain and fill your spa, change a filter cartridge, etc. Tub owners do not realize when water level drops for any reason, evaporation, people getting out of the spa, etc., when the skimmer sucks in air and the heater is on, you are damaging the heater.

Unit is fully tested and certified for resistance and electrical values multiple times before packaging and shipping. Resistance value is Certified.

Like any flothru spa heater it must never see a lack of flow or air in the system with the heater on, it will 'dry-fire' and burn out and test open for resistance and Therm Products/Hydro-Quip warranty will not cover open, dry-fire abuse.

Accessories for this product...
ACC SmarTouch Digital SMTD1000 KP-2010 Topside by Applied Computer Controls 60Hz 115/230v TWO (2) HU20RMG, HQ 60-0015-k, Spa Heater Ridged Molded Gaskets Flo-thru Heater 2 gaskets/pack. fits 2.7-2.9" diameter flanges, RMG 229 TWO (2) GASKETS Spa Light LED 12 volt Chromatherapy Bulb 10 LEDs with Selectable Color Changes LED10 LED-10 Spa Light LED 12 volt Chromatherapy Bulb 27 LEDs with Selectable Color Changes
Sale Price: $434.00

Sale Price: $4.95

Price: $16.10


SMTD1000, SmarTouch Digital 1000 Applied Computer Controls ACC SMTD1000 SMTD 1000 Spa Control SmarTouch 1000, SC-CE155Control, 1-CE155-2-2024-P1B1, Onyx ON6KW1, ON6KW2, baptistry, baptistry heater Spa Heater Gaskets 2 inch Spa Light LED 12 volt Chromatherapy Bulb 10 LEDs with Selectable Color Changes, 1-led10, led9, led10 Spa Light LED 12 volt Chromatherapy Bulb 27 LEDs with Selectable Color Changes, LED-27, 1-LED27

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