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Pressure Switch adjustable 800120-2 1/8"NPT Thread 21 amp rating 800120-3 MH45268 800120
Pressure Switch adjustable for spa heaters 1/8"NPT Thread 21 amp rating  800120-3 MH45268, 800120-2

Availability:: use p/n TM4010P
Product Code: LG800120-3

Pressure Switch 800120-3 800120-2 adjustable for spa heaters 1/8"NPT Thread 21-25 amp rating, non-latching, momentary, snap action.

Discontinued, replaced by p/n TM4010P, order here:

SPDT, diameter 1.69" installed height is approximately 2.55" and requires 2" clearance diameter to install. Factory preset to close upon rise at 2 psi. Adjustable from 1 to 5 psi. Use to replace -4 models too. MH45268 800120-2

Accessories for this product...
624502 Spa Heater Element for Flothru Spa Heaters 240v 5000W 5kw 9.9" fits M-7 type, VS501Z, 624502, SPACOMP 05, SPACOMP05, 624509 TWO (2) HU20RMG, HQ 60-0015-k, Spa Heater Ridged Molded Gaskets Flo-thru Heater 2 gaskets/pack. fits 2.7-2.9" diameter flanges, RMG 229 TWO (2) GASKETS Spa Heater Element - Hot Tub Heater Element - Spa Heating Element - Hot Tub Heating Element - 4.0kW 5.0kW 5.5kW
Sale Price: $25.00

Sale Price: $4.95

Sale Price: $25.00

Spa Heater Element for Flothru Spa Heaters 5kw, 624502, SPACOMP 05, SPACOMP05, B24050, ZTSM, 240V, 5000W Spa Heater Gaskets 2 inch Spa Heater Element - Hot Tub Heater Element - Spa Heating Element - Hot Tub Heating Element

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